About Me

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I have two kids - a girl and a boy - and live in north-central Minnesota, land of snow and ice. Well, for 9 months of the year, that is. I work full-time for a local government, and on my "free time" I enjoy cooking, baking, hanging out with my kiddos, and RELAXING.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Why I Love...


I know, I know, it's sick and wrong. But I love them.

There's something about putting on a suit that just makes me feel so professional, so powerful, so polished.

I've had several suits in my lifetime. Three of them are too big for me now, I'm sad to report. However there are still four hanging in my closet.

I have a classic black suit. The pants are a little big but I can't find another pair in a smaller size to match the jacket. I'm dealing with it for now but once I lose my 8.5 pounds I'll probably have to buy another black one if I can't find matching pants. Everyone needs a black suit.

I have a summer brown suit. It's kind of a knit-looking thing. The jacket has short fitted sleeves and a skinny brown belt. I really like it.

I have a gray skirt suit. I couldn't find matching pants at the time and I still can't, so I guess that one will just have a skirt.

And then, my favorite: a gray suit with white pinstripes. I'm wearing it to work today. I tried to find a picture online to show you but I couldn't. Maybe I'll take one of myself wearing it so you can see. I love it.

My favorite work-clothing brand is Worthington. It's carried at JCPenney. The brand fits me really well. Plus I think it runs slightly big so I get to buy a smaller size pant. It's pretty awesome, I'm not going to lie.

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