About Me

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I have two kids - a girl and a boy - and live in north-central Minnesota, land of snow and ice. Well, for 9 months of the year, that is. I work full-time for a local government, and on my "free time" I enjoy cooking, baking, hanging out with my kiddos, and RELAXING.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mom's Meatloaf

I love meatloaf.

Correction: I love my mom's meatloaf. Can't say I'm a huge fan of any other meatloaf, in fact.

This is actually probably my grandma's meatloaf recipe. And very possibly even her mother's. And so on and so forth.

So if you're looking for a fantastic meatloaf recipe, look no further.

Now I usually do half a meatloaf recipe, since there's only two of us, but I'll type the recipe as it normally is made, since things can get a little tricky with the egg and tomato sauce.

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Start with two pounds thawed burger. (Remember, I only have one because I halved the recipe.)

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You will need saltine crackers, salt and pepper, milk, minced onion, tomato sauce, and an egg.

Crumble one sleeve of the saltines in a bowl. Add 8 oz tomato sauce (you can buy it that size), 1 egg, 1 tbsp minced onion OR 1/4 cup chopped, 1/2 cup milk, salt and pepper, and the burger. Mix everything up real nice.

(Note: if you half the recipe you can still add a whole egg. No need to get crazy trying to half that.)

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Press the burger mixture into a glass 9x9 pan. Glass seems to work better than tin, for some reason. This is an 8x6 pan if you decide to half the recipe. It works perfectly for this.

Now for the good part.

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Grab some mustard, ketcup, and brown sugar. I really, really, really like the topping, so I double it. So here it is doubled.

Mix 1/2 cup ketchup with 6 tbsp brown sugar and 2 tsp mustard. Spread on top of the pressed meat mixture.

Don't forget, this is doubled for a regular-sized meatloaf, so if you are halving the meatloaf recipe, don't forget to half the topping. Or you could not, it really doesn't matter. One time I accidentally doubled the regular topping for a half-sized meatloaf. It was a lot of topping.

I told you this could get confusing.

Bake at 375 for at least 1 hour. If you're doing a half recipe you only need to bake it 35-40 minutes.

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We probably have this about once a month. Maybe more. We both really love it.

Mmmmm, meatloaf.


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